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"Crypto Ransomware" CTB-Locker (Critroni.A) on the riseCTB-Locker2014
1940 IPs for a BHEK/ULocker server - Nexcess-NetULocker2012
A ScarePakage variant is targeting more countries : impersonating Europol and AFPScarePakage2014
And real name of Magnitude is....2014
Behind the Captcha or Inside Blackhole Exploit Kit 2.0 - Exploit Kit Administration Panel2012
CVE-2012-4681 - On its way to Sakura Exploit Kit too2012
CVE-2012-4681 - Redkit Exploit Kit - I want Porche Turbo2012
CVE-2012-4681 - Связка Sweet Orange2012
CVE-2012-5076 - Massively adopted - Blackhole update to 2.0.12012
CVE-2013-1493 (jre17u15 - jre16u41) integrating exploit kitsUrausy2013
CVE-2013-2465/CVE-2013-2471/CVE-2013-2463 integrating Exploit Kits -- jre7u21 CVE- jre6u45 and earlier2013
CVE-2013-5330 (Flash) in an unknown Exploit Kit fed by high rank websitesLurk2014
CVE-2015-0311 (Flash up to integrating Exploit Kits2015
Carberp, the renaissance ?Carberp2012
Cool EK : "Hello my friend..." CVE-2012-50762012
Cool Exploit Kit - A new Browser Exploit Pack on the Battlefield with a "Duqu" like font drop2012
CryptXXX: new ransomware from the actors behind Reveton, dropping via AnglerCryptXXX
Fast look at Sundown EK2015
Fast look at an infection by a Blackhole Exploit Kit 2.02012
From Sakura to Reveton via Smoke Bot - or a botnet distribution of RevetonSmoke Bot
Gimemo finally targeting USA with Camera Feature tooGimemo2012
Gimemo wants to play in the big leagueGimemo2012
Hello Neutrino ! (just one more Exploit Kit)2013
Inside Andromeda Bot v2.06 Webpanel / AKA Gamarue - Botnet Control PanelAndromeda2012
Inside Blackhole Exploits Kit v1.2.4 - Exploit Kit Control Panel2012
Inside Citadel C&C & Builder - Botnet Control PanelCitadel2012
Inside Impact exploit kit2012
Inside Pony 1.7 / Fareit C&C - Botnet Control PanelPony2012
Inside Smoke Bot - Botnet Control PanelSmoke Bot2012
Inside Smoke Bot - botnet control panelSmoke Bot2012
Inside Styx exploit kit control panelUrausy
Inside Upas Kit ( aka Rombrast C&C - Botnet Control PanelUpas2012
Inside view of Lyposit aka (for its friends) Lucky LOCKERLyposit2012
Meet "Red Dot exploit toolkit"2013
Meet CritXPack (Previously Vintage Pack)2012
Meet ProPack Exploit Pack - yes that's a lot of packLyposit2012
Ransom.II - UGC payment for USA - Windows Genuine impersonation for DERansom.II2012
Ransomware : Smile you're on camera - Reveton.C new landing pagesReveton2012
Ransomware Casier - Sharing Design with Lyposit - Gaelic & Persian (Lyposit
Redkit - one account = one color2012
Redkit : No more money ! Traffic US, CA, GB, AU2012
Reveton += HU, LV, SK, SI, TR (!), RO - So spreading accross Europe with 6 new DesignReveton2012
Reveton Autumn Collection += AU,CZ, IE, NO & 17 new designReveton2012
Reveton can speak now !Reveton2012
Stamp EK (aka SofosFO) now showing "Blackhole 2.0 Like" landing pages2012
Upas Kit (aka Rombrast) integrates webinjectsUpas2012
Update to Citadel : Rain Edition.Citadel2012
Update to Citadel : v.
Urausy has big plan for Europe - Targeting 3 new countries among which Norway !Urausy2012
Urausy improving its localization - A (the\?) Gaelic Ransomware with Interpol impersonation as default landingUrausy2012
... further results