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Type of asset: Operating system

Botnets related to Android

Campaigns related to Android

  • As target: None
  • As origin: None

Malware related to Android

  • As target: None
  • As origin: None

Panel related to Android

  • As target: None
  • As origin: None

Criminal services related to Android

  • As target: None
  • As origin: None

Exploits kits targetting or originating from Android

  • None
  • None

Vulnerabilities whose target is Android

Operations related to this asset Android

  • As a victim: None
  • As a partner: None

Publications evoking this asset as a target

Attack on Zygote: a new twist in the evolution of mobile threatsNikita Buchka
Mikhail Kuzin
Kaspersky Securelist2016
MDK: the largest mobile botnet in ChinaFlora LiuSymantec2013
Social networks – A bonanza for cybercriminalsRuslan StoyanovKaspersky Securelist2016

Publications evoking this asset as an origin