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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Monitor microphone (sound) activity  +
Theft of POP3 logins and passwords  +
Documented feature where the malware contacts the command and control mechanism to ping it and expect commands (all botnets have that feature, thus it is interesting to mention it if it is documented in one of the attached publications)  +
Point-of-sale botnets: target credit card and other personal data on POS terminals.  +
Uses a polymorphic engine to mutate while keeping the original algorithm intact  +
Show a pop-up message on the victims' computers  +
Other premium rate services (such as pay per view videos, games...).  +
Create an infrastructure to proxy attacks, command a botnet through a first level of proxies.  +
Remote administration trojans  +
By calling the AddPrintProcessor API  +
Distribution via removable drives  +
Exécution de commandes  +
SOCKS proxy  +
Grabbing of SPDY session content.  +
Automatic scan and attack of servers, mostly webservers, using SQL injections, known vulnerabilities, brute force, etc.  +
The code that operates the mutation is on a dedicated server.  +
Propagates through shared drive / network share  +
Distribution par les réseaux sociaux  +
Involves RATs and Rootkits  +
Modification of the browser's start page  +